My name is Jelani. I am 22 and I live in Atlanta, Georgia.
I am an economics enthusiast, with a particular focus in the debt crisis of the United States.
My business is personal income protection, hence my username is 'incomepa' (Income Protection Atlanta). My teammates and I represent Aflac - you know, with the duck.
Connect with me on LinkedIn! - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jelani-asar/2a/8a0/577
LinkedIn Group - National Inflation Association Users
My websites include:
The Unfunded Liabilities Monster YouTube Channel
The Unfunded Liabilities Monster Blog
Income Protection Atlanta
My interests and hobbies include - economics, social policy, personal finance and investing, selling, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), entrepreneurship, internet marketing, natural and herbal diets, bodyweight excersises, and outdoor exercise such as biking.
My favorite books are Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, The Richest Man in Babylon, The Creature from Jekyll Island, The Secret Language of Destiny, Vibrant Health, Colon Health, Breaking the Money Barriers, and The Greatest Salesman in the World.
My favorite movies are IOUSA: Under Stress. In Debt., The Matrix, Braveheart, and Rich Schefren's Incremental Advantage.
As I was researching the debt crisis of the United States, especially the monstrous problems of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, I realized that the tens of millions of people relying on the money from these entitlement programs are likely to be out of luck.
Since they need and want their income protection and they are not getting it from the government, then my teammates and I - the solution we are providing - has become especially necessary and desirable.
Recognizing this connection, I decided to connect my interest - US economics - and my business - income protection in Atlanta, Georgia.
Now I am developing a website about the 'Unfunded Liabilities Monster' of the US debt crisis and marketing our income protection solutions on the internet.
I interview top experts on the debt crisis and on the ways each one of us as Americans can make a difference in our national and personal economy.
Experts such as Matt Allen, the Director of IRA Lending for North American Savings Bank (NASDAQ:NASB) and author of Leverage Your IRA: Maximize Your Profits with Real Estate; Reid Rosenthal, generational land investor and author of Land: For Love and Money; and Gaylon Ross, former 1st Lt. in the Army Security Agency (ASA), industrial engineer, International Management Consultant in Iran, founder of Ross International Enterprises, and author of What the Elite Have Done to America and How to Fix It.
I am also learning all I can about marketing our income protection solutions on the internet, so we can assist as many people as possible as quickly and easily as possible. I believe the internet is the way to do this.
For more information about how $115t debt known as the Unfunded Liabilities Monster affects you as a baby boomer with no financial support or a young person with the responsibility of paying to provide that support, then head over to The Unfunded Liabilities Monster Blog http://usUnfundedLiabilities.wordpress.com
For more information on how you can protect your income from the rabid theft of your retirement, savings, and job during this economy as well as protect yourself from the exposure to risk while your savings are low, your expenses are high, your healthcare costs are only rising, and your taxes are digging deeper, then head over to Income Protection Atlanta for a free income protection quote - http://IncomeProtectionAtlanta.wordpress.com
For great videos on both the Unfunded Liabilities Monster and Income Protection, then head over to my YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/UnfundedLiabilitiesM?feature=mhee#p/p
Thank You,
Jelani Asar
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